Providing Opportunities in Construction
I know what your thinking and what
everyone in the building was saying, "Blocks in a second grade classroom!" I believe construction is important because of my inspiration by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy that construction and experiments are important for the children to synthesize information and construct their thoughts. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence is another researched based theory that I was able to use to reinforce my decision to put a block center in my room. I have a stage in the block center that is used during our literacy block for Readers Theater. In the math and science block the children can explore concepts and ideas about our investigation.I have to have literacy blocks of time that is not interrupted by distractions ): In the upper primary grades engineering is a key to finding balance between blocks and science. I use STEM projects to balance between expectations of administrators and My belief that children need to construct their own ideas. I have an old drafting table in my block center for the children to draw plans. I provide rulers,triangles, compasses, and other drawing tools. They have access to tracing paper to add details just like the artchitects use. Another important component to the block area is having different types of lighting and mirrors. I place mirrors on the shelves for the children to use. I also place mirrors on the wall for the children to see different perceptions of their work. They like to use projectors, rope lights, and flashlight during their work.
Materials for Construction
birdhouse/ 2X4 houses |
Your imagination and resources can take a ordinary block center and transform it into a area that inspires young minds.The children are allowed to bring materials from around the room and from home to add to their creations. I will add and take things out of construction as investigations are begun or change so that the children can utilize as many authentic and natural items to their ideas.
laminated flooring samples |
small PVC Pipes |
Assorted Materials |
Knex |
Using the materials to construct marble runs. They develop a plan and then try to build it with the materials.
What do you think they are learning?
Awesome! You are an inspiration!